Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Ulta brand.

First off, here is a shot of my current polish collection. Well, current as of the day I took that picture. I know I've bought at least two more polishes since then. I really need to figure out a good way to organize them.

I accidentally posted these two pictures backwards. Sorry about that.

I picked up the Ulta denim collection while we were in San Diego. Mainly I wanted the light blue to do a specific manicure but I couldn't pass up the five small bottles for $9.95 versus $6.00 or $7.00 for one bottle of that one color. And since I can never leave anything alone, I added a bright royal blue on top.

These are great polishes. I wasn't sure about them since I'd never tried them out before but I was very pleased. I picked up these five bottles and then four others. The regular polishes were buy one get one free. I love a good sale!

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